JSCC Ministries

Men of Faith & Action
Men of Faith are strong, courageous, trusting and serving, who have the faith of a mustard seed to be “mountain movers.” Our Men's Ministry is a place to join and reach other men in their journey toward Christ-centeredness through the study of His Word, sharing life experiences, serving others, and embracing the outdoor creation of God. We provide spiritual development opportunities throughout the year, focusing on service and adventure. We are Men U.S.E.D. for God’s Glory! (United, Supporting, Equipping, Developing) For more information contact us at jscc.info@gmail.com.

The Daughter's Of Zion
The Daughters of Zion Women’s Ministry exists to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of women at JSCC and within our community. This ministry is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women, to provide opportunities to serve and reach our community as we faithfully and fully use our God-given gifts to glorify God. For more information contact us at jscc.info@gmail.com.

Children & Youth Ministry
We are J.U.I.C.E.!! (Justified by God, Under the Blood, In Christ I’m, Changed Forever, Empowered by His Love) Our Children & Youth Ministry exists to aid those ages 5 - 18 in Getting to God, Growing in Christ, and Giving to others. We partner with parents, by helping their progeny form a strong faith, build lasting friendships, and develop their relationship in Christ while impacting their world for Him. For more information contact us at jscc.info@gmail.com.